What we do

Fighting structural poverty in Argentina, that’s what we do. Sounds idealistic, but is what gets us out of bed everyday. It can be done, if you have ideas, theories of change and if you identify different paths that can bring you to the goal. That’s what we have been doing successfully for almost 20 years. So, what’s our approach to fight poverty?
Two things must happen in order to end poverty. One is youth development, particularly youngsters that are living in poverty. If we help them to unleash their talents, build their skills and resilience, they then have the power to break the poverty trap. It is these youngsters who have the potential to be agents of social change, in their families, their neighbourhoods, and in society.
Secondly, we need to empower society so they can get involved. Poverty is not a singular problem for those who live in such harsh conditions, poverty has a negative impact for all of us. We should all be part of the solution. We should all have the tools, knowledge and platforms to be part of change. We should all take responsibility and start working toward a better future together.
And it has been working so far. All our programs are monitored, measured and evaluated so we can learn of what works and what doesn’t, and how we can do to accelerate de transition to create a better world for all.